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Thank you for your interest in our Christmas concert. The choir have now sold out of their ticket allocation so tickets are now only available from St. George’s own website here.

David Bednall – Conductor   –   Nigel Nash – Accompanist

Bristol Bach Choir present their traditional Spirit of Christmas with a twist, on Sunday 10th December at 4pm, in St. George’s, Brandon Hill.

They will be joined by Horfield CEVC Primary School Choir, with their directors Kirsten Cunningham, Laurel Steel, and their accompanist Claire Alsop.

There will be the usual feast of festive songs and readings from all ages, for all ages, by all ages, with the choirs performing their own distinctive repertoires before coming together to ensure a truly magical afternoon celebrating the meaning of Christmas. There will be the familiar carols for all to sing, to help get you into the Christmas spirit!

Ticket Type
Other Requirements (Optional) – see Note below for free tickets