Bristol Bach Choir Patrons

Single or double subscriptions are available

( £240 – double / £120 – single).

For more information, or to sign up as a Patron, please contact our Patrons’ secretary

What's included?

Priority allocation of a top price ticket for each of our concerts

A free programme for every event

An annual Patrons' reception

Invitations to other choir events

Regular choir news and updates

Bristol Bach Choir Foundation

Bristol Bach Choir Foundation was created by a Trust Deed in 2001 following generous donations from choir members, former members, patrons and two significant bequests.

The Foundation’s Trustees have pursued a policy of making donations out of interest income to the Choir to support its continued development and excellence in performance.

To date, the Foundation has enabled the Choir to engage renowned soloists and orchestras; has provided guarantees against loss for concerts; contributed towards the commissioning costs of a new composition and supported an update of the Choir’s branding. In other words, the Foundation facilitates activities and events that the Choir would otherwise be unable to fund out of its annual income.

The Foundation has benefited from generous support, and it is the Trustees’ intention to continue to enlarge the capital base to provide more secure and regular long-term support for the choir.

If you would like to support the aims and work of the Bristol Bach Choir Foundation, please contact its Chairman, Gareth Dodds.